Bayobab Nigeria: Connecting Africa through Critical Collaborations
Bayobab Press

Bayobab Nigeria is at the forefront of Nigeria's digital transformation, playing an indispensable role in bridging the digital divide and propelling the country’s ICT landscape forward. As Africa’s largest ICT market, Nigeria has approximately 82% of the continent’s telecom subscribers and 29% of its internet usage. By fostering robust partnerships with the government and key stakeholders, Bayobab Nigeria is paving the way for a truly connected Africa.

The awarding of the National Long-Distance (NLD) license to Bayobab Nigeria – for the first time in more than a decade – underscores the determination of the team. By emphasising the need for rapid infrastructure expansion, the leadership team made a compelling case to regulators. This focus on establishing open access connectivity infrastructure throughout the country is a cornerstone of Bayobab Nigeria’s strategy. Through developing fibre infrastructure, Bayobab Nigeria offers mobile carriers, internet service providers, and hyper scalers affordable solutions to scale their businesses, especially in peri-urban and rural areas.

This puts the company firmly in alignment with the Nigerian Federal Government, as Bayobab is well-positioned to activate the Nigerian Communications Commission's (NCC) visionary Fibre Ambitions Policy. This collaboration emphasises the critical need for public-private partnerships to create a robust and conducive environment to promote the advancement of telecommunication infrastructure to deliver a modern, connected life to the people of Nigeria.

As high-speed internet is the bedrock of Bayobab’s commitment to driving digital transformation and boosting economic growth, Bayobab Nigeria spearheaded the landing of the 2Africa submarine cable in Nigeria. This monumental project, the largest subsea cable globally, connects Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia with over approximately 45,000 km of fibre. The successful completion of the 2Africa cable landing introduced an additional 180 terabytes of capacity, fortifying Nigeria's digital backbone and improving internet speed, quality, and reliability. This subsea cable is a catalyst for growth, creating opportunities in e-commerce, education, telemedicine, communication and beyond.

Bayobab Nigeria's focused leadership team, under the stewardship of Managing Director Josephine Sarouk, is dedicated to empowering African communities by exploring and implementing innovative solutions. Its efforts are not only transforming Nigeria's digital landscape but providing a model for cross-country and global digital transformation. Bayobab Nigeria is bringing the mission of a connected Africa to life by offering cross-border interconnections to Niger, via Konni and Illela. Nigeria terrestrially connects to Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Benin. To position Nigeria as an attractive hub for data centre expansion and hosting, Bayobab Nigeria is also undertaking the fiberisation of data centres across the country.

Bayobab Nigeria is committed to connecting Africa, unlocking its potential, and ushering in a prosperous digital future. Through partnerships – with the government, regulators, and other key stakeholders – Bayobab Nigeria is enabling digital solutions for the continent’s progress.


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